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Applications of BBa_K4388007
KCL iGEM 2022
Through JUMP type IIS Level 1, this transcriptional unit (BBa_K4388007) was assembled in a one-pot digestion reaction with BsaI and ligation into pJUMP29-1C. Successful ligation and transformation were selected for by identifying non-fluorescent colonies on kanamycin agar plates (Fig. 1).
Figure 1. Construction of Transcriptional Unit (TU) BBa_K4388007 into Level 1 pJUMP29-1C vector. Level 0 parts BBa_K4388011, BBa_K4388003, and BBa_K4388012 were assembled into the transcriptional unit BBa_K4388007 in pJUMP29-1C via a one-pot BsaI digestion reaction. White (sfGPF-excised) colonies indicate successful ligation of the TU into plasmid, and successful transformation of plasmid conferring kanamycin resistance. Final level 1 plasmid constructs were designed using SnapGene.
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UNIQ1ff4a1c9799b8608-partinfo-00000000-QINU UNIQ1ff4a1c9799b8608-partinfo-00000001-QINU